JW Insights releases 2022 rankings of Chinese companies in IC design, wafer foundry, packaging and testing, and equipment
By Li Panpan
(JW Insights) Jun 26 -- JW Insights - the leading Chinese ICT consulting company - released the “China Semiconductor Industry Development Report 2022," underscoring that the country was still the largest single semiconductor market in the world.
The report analyses the development of China"s semiconductor industry in key areas such as design, manufacturing, packaging and testing, and equipment in 2022, including the performance of leading companies. It is updated twice a year to keep up with the trend. The report contains the four ranking lists of the top 100 IC design companies, top 10 wafer foundries, packaging and testing, and equipment companies in the country.
China"s IC design industry has become one of the most dynamic fields driven by favorable policy support, increased localization rate, specification upgrades, and innovative applications. The sales of the country"s IC design industry reached about RMB423.53 billion ($62.97 billion) in 2022, accounting for 10.9% of the world, said the JW Insights report.
Led by Wingtech, Will Semiconductor, and YMTC, the total revenue of China’s top 100 IC design companies in 2022 reached RMB273.258 billion ($38.06 billion), with the lowest being RMB470 million ($65.46 million).
Among those companies, 53 had a revenue growth rate of more than 5%, 71 were publicly listed, and 29 were in Shanghai.
The scale of China"s local foundry industry registered RMB103.58 billion ($14.43 billion) in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 47.5%, said the JW Insights report.
China"s major wafer manufacturing companies increased their production capacity by 835,000 pieces per month (8-inch equivalent, the same as below) in 2022. In 2023, they are expected to increase production capacity by 602,000 wafers/month due to declining market demand, limited expansion of key wafer production, and a tight equipment supply.
SMIC, Huahong Group, and Nexchip were China’s top 3 foundry companies in 2022 among the top ten, said the JW Insights report.
The scale of China"s packaging and testing industry was estimated to reach about RMB290.1 billion ($40.40 billion) in 2022, a slight increase of 5.0% year-on-year. The advanced packaging market in the country maintains a relatively high growth rate with an expected market output value to reach about RMB133 billion ($18.52 billion) in 2023, accounting for more than 40% of the industry in the country.
JCET, Tongfu Microelectronics, and HT Tech led the top 10 packaging and testing companies in China in 2022 with growing performance in revenue, R&D, and products.
China was the world"s largest market for semiconductor equipment for the third year in a row in 2022, though investment in the country slowed 5% year-on-year to $28.3 billion. Naura Technology, AMEC, and E-Town Semiconductor were the top three players in the country’s equipment industry in 2022, said the JW Insights report.
JW Insights is the leading Chinese consulting service for the country"s semiconductor and ICT industries. The detailed report is available on its official website and app in Chinese (https://laoyaoba.com/bookreport).
- JW Insights releases 2022 rankings of Chinese companies in IC design, wafer foundry, packaging and testing, and equipment
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